
Ordinary chondrite, L6
Found in Kansas, United States, 1873

Marvel Comics fans will be sure to enjoy this one! Unlike the fictional, popular and scientifically-savvy home of the Black Panther, Wakanda, this L6 meteorite was discovered in the state of Kansas in the United States of America. Although this meteorite contains no physics-defying vibranium from the Marvel Universe, it does host other alluring features: a vanilla-bean-like interior casted in a shadowy, charred fusion crust that was acquired from being heated to thousands of degrees fahrenheit whilst burning its way through the Earth’s atmosphere; truly a supernatural wonder from an alien part of our solar system.

Waconda is a fascinating and rarely offered meteorite. The original 120-pound mass was broken apart, and a portion is now located at Arizona State University’s Center for Meteorite Studies. We were honored to see such a substantial part of this incredible and well-preserved stone . Waconda was discovered in a farm field in Kansas before 1871. There is very little known about the history of this spectacular meteorite — with only a few comments reported from locals who recalled the stone as early as 1870. It is hard to believe it attracted little to no attention!

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