In his worldwide travels spanning over two decades, Geoff Notkin amassed a truly world-class collection of meteorites, which we are pleased to present here. The pieces on offer are from his personal collection are assortment consisting of top-quality examples of iron, pallasite, mesosiderite, and stone meteorites as well as lunar and martian meteorites and impactites. Geoff has opened the vaults to some of his long time favorites. They are all accompanied by a special card, created and signed personally by Geoff.
The Campo del Cielo impact is believed to have occurred approximately 5,000 years ago. The Campo strewnfield is roughly 18 km (11 miles) in length and includes at least 25 distinct craters. It is one of the larger known strewnfields on Earth, and perhaps the single biggest crater field. It is also one of the largest impacts from which actual meteorite specimens have been recovered. The heaviest single mass from the fall weighs 37 tons. Known as “El Chaco,” it is regarded as a national treasure and remains in Argentina where it originally fell. Another large mass, known as “Otumpa” and weighing an estimated 1,000 kg (2,204 lbs) was discovered in 1803. Due to a shortage of terrestrial iron, the Otumpa mass was transported to Buenos Aires where attempts were made to fashion it into weapons for use in the war against Spain. Some of this iron was employed to make the barrels of two pistols that were presented to United States President James Monroe, but the bulk of it (now reduced to 634 kg) eventually made the long sea journey to England, where it became the first large meteorite to be displayed at London’s British Museum.
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