Nininger Five Sided Star – Large


  • Meteorite Type: Canyon Diablo Spheroids
  • Weight: 85.8 grams
  • Approximate dimensions: 159 mm x 159 mm x 3 mm 
  • Additional information: Large five sided star

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Harvey Harlow Nininger, the godfather of modern meteoritics is a hero to both meteorite scientists and private collectors alike. He was a founder of the Meteoritical Society, started the world’s first full-time commercial meteorites business, opened the world’s first private meteorite museum, and carried out decades of groundbreaking, pioneering work in understanding craters, meteorite fall characteristics, and also developed meteorite recovery techniques that we still use today. His long-out-of-print autobiography, “Find A Falling Star” is an important and adored memoir, and meteorite specimens carrying Nininger collection numbers are extremely valuable and sought-after.

Always the entrepreneur, Dr. Nininger also developed the world’s first celebrated meteorite collectible — the Nininger Star. He laboriously collected thousands of minute spheroids — tiny, drop-like globular pieces of iron meteorite from the famous Meteor Crater site in Arizona — and ingeniously adhered them to stars, which he cut from sheet metal aluminum. These stars are incredibly rare and highly collectible today, not just because Nininger fashioned and designed them, but also because collecting spheroids is no longer allowed at the impact site.

For decades, it was believed by historians and collectors that only two styles of Nininger Stars existed. We recently discovered that there are, in fact, five styles, including an extremely rare six-sided star, of which only a few are known to exist.

By very special arrangement with one of Dr. Nininger’s grandchildren, we are extremely honored to present the last known available Nininger Stars, embossed with a galaxy of iron meteorite spheroids and accompanied by a signed certificate of authenticity.

An extraordinary offering from the dawn of modern meteorite history, and something that is not likely to come around again.

Additional information

Weight 450 g


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