Tassédet 004 7.4kg


Meteorite Type: H5-melt breccia
Weight: 7.4 kilograms

At 405 kilograms, this is an exceptional full slice off the largest impact melt specimen ever discovered. Such a slice is only one of seven, a number of which are already in museums, and they are the largest impact melt specimens in the world. These pieces offer a rare glimpse of a millisecond in time during a destructive, violent impact that occurred between two bodies, billions of years ago. This particular slice of Tassédet 004 has a unique inclusion not seen in the others; a small, circular oddity inside the H-chondrite clast believed to be a relic of the original parent body. The specimen contains many prominent iron nodules that accumulated during the cooling process and are dispersed throughout the exquisite, green-colored melt glass. Vugs are also seen, a product of the outgassing which occurred when the matrix was still in a molten state. This is a piece truly worthy of any museum or collection.


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New in 2018, Tassédet 004 is a fascinating, newly-discovered impact melt that was found near Agadez in the African nation of Niger. Whole specimens often show an unusual near-spherical shape and a rich, dark remnant fusion crust. Prepared specimens display extraordinary amounts of nickel-iron flecks, and larger slices sometimes contain metal veins and blebs. A unique and visually intriguing new find that is sure to delight collectors.

Additional information

Weight 7600 g


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