The Main Mass of any meteorite is basically the term used to describe the largest extant piece. When a new meteorite is submitted for classification, a small amount is typically cut for testing and analysis. At that point, the sample traditionally becomes the “type specimen” and is retained by the institution that performed the work. If no other meteorites match the new discovery, the remaining large portion becomes the Main Mass. In most cases, the piece is cut into smaller pieces for sale, trade, etc., but – in some rare cases like this one – the specimen is kept whole and offered as the official Main Mass. Such was the case with this polished half stone of NWA 1220, weighing 117.9 grams, found in 1999. We acquired this specimen out of the R.A. Langheinrich Meteorite Collection, who personally prepared the specimen and promoted meteorite hunting in Northwest Africa in the late 1900s and early 2000s, encouraging finders by sending magnets and other equipment to nomads in the desert.
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