Zhob 1.6g


  • Meteorite Type: Stone H3-4
  • Weight: 1.6 grams
  • Approximate Measurements: 22 mm x 16 mm x 2 mm
  • Witnessed Fall: Yes, at 6:30 pm on January 9, 2020 in Pakistan

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A rare witnessed fall out of Bulachistan, Pakistan, a province known for its unique culture and extremely dry desert climate. It’s also home to the Princess of Hope, a natural rock formation resembling a woman looking out beyond the horizon, named by actress Angelina Jolie when she visited the area in 2002.

On the evening of February 23, 2020, a fireball was seen streaking over the northern part of the province, followed by several sonic booms. The falling stones showered a local village in the Zhob district, with one stone striking and falling through a house located in the area. Goat herders would find the largest stone collected; most Zhob stones, of which there have been four to date, display shallow regmaglypts and a rich, matte black fusion crust. The interior of Zhob reveals a light-grey matrix sporting a breccia of light-colored clasts.


Additional information

Weight 1.6 g


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